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Case Studies

Simply Plastics

The Customer

Simply Plastics is a leading UK supplier of plastic sheet, acrylic rod and tubes for industrial, commercial and home usage.

A large proportion of their business is a cut to size service which allows their customers to customise products, such as acrylic sheet, to the exact specifications required. They continually face a high demand for cut to size acrylic commonly of 5-10mm thickness but sometimes up to 20mm or even 25mm thickness.


The Application

What defines Simply Plastics within their sector is a consistent supply of very high product quality and service.

More recently, due to the coronavirus crisis, Simply Plastics have experienced a marked increase in demand for screens used to prevent the spread of infection. This additional pressure has meant that employees are working multiple shifts to fulfil the high demand for laser cut acrylic.


The Problem

Their first laser cutter was a Chinese import that could not meet the demands of their customers or the standards of their business.  Some laser cutting acrylic jobs demand a near mirror finish, polished edge without any damage to the top or bottom surfaces and many machines on offer cannot provide this.

They needed a solution that was capable of delivering the highest levels of edge quality and productivity.

When testing many alternative systems the edge quality most machines produced did not match the requirements of Simply Plastics.


The Solution

Lotus Laser Systems supplied and installed two Blu125 laser cutting workstations for Simply Plastics.

Blu125 is significantly larger than competing models in this class, making it ideal for Simply Plastics large acrylic sheets.

The Result

Al Higgs, Director of Simply Plastics says “We chose the Blu125 200w because of its large 1250mm by 900mm work area and massive 200w CO2 laser power. Blu125 is the ideal laser cutter to ensure no job is too large or too long in process time, ensuring that we could cut the extra demand for screens very efficiently”.

With the help of two Blu125 laser cutting machines Simply Plastics are now operating more efficiently than ever. Their Lotus Laser Systems require very little maintenance and are built to last a lifetime but aside from the hardware their Blu125 machines are backed-up by one of the best, most experienced support services in the laser cutting machine industry.

Simply Plastics’ owner Al Higgs emailed his thanks to Lotus Laser: “thanks so much for everything you’ve done this week to get us up and running – fantastic service, it really was!

Find out what we can do for you
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International Distributors


Systems Installed


Years Manufacturing 


UK Made