apex blade slide - Leon Paul

Case Studies

Leon Paul

The Customer

Based in London, UK, the company of Leon Paul is a World renowned manufacturer of high quality equipment for the sport of Sword Fencing. Their products are used from Club level to Olympic Competition as well as props for movies like 007: James Bond. Still a family business, Mr Alex Paul is the 4th generation of the Paul family to Direct the company since his Great, Great Grandfather incorporated the business in 1942.


The Application

Using the finest of materials and continuing product innovation coupled with traditional manufacturing skills handed down through the generations of the Paul family, Leon Paul enjoys ongoing growth and success. With such a high value brand image most of the products require marking with the brand logo.


The Problem

The Leon Paul product portfolio is diverse and manufactured from a wide range of different materials. By using a number of conventional marking technologies like stamping, sandblasting and etching the marking results did not always meet the same aesthetically high quality standards that the Leon Paul brand is well known for. Also, there was a desire to mark an even wider range of materials, incorporate a serial numbering system and offer new services such as customising all of which were not possible or not viable with the existing marking methods.


The Solution

The Lotus Meta C4 provided Leon Paul with solutions to most of their marking problems while the higher quality marking result contributes to a significantly increased perception of higher product value. This 1μm wavelength laser expanded upon the range of materials that Leon Paul could mark and the open workstation design combined with solid T-slot table and programmable Z-axis control allows for the marking of quite often unusually sized and shaped products. Part loading is quick and easy where quite simply most other systems from alternative providers
cannot accommodate.

The Result

“Meta C4 has improved upon our previous marking methods beyond all possible recognition by providing a tremendous improvement in the quality and visual appearance of the mark. The effect of a beautiful laser mark is to immediately add
higher perceived value to the item, which helps set us apart from our competitors. Where our brand marking, especially with sandblasting, previously looked ‘a bit blurry’ we now have an accurate, precise and beautiful mark with our logo properly presented to the customer. Everything that we try to be is characterised by the laser mark and it therefore echoes and enhances our values wonderfully. The laser mark is precise, high-tech, efficient and beautiful; something that all manufacturers should strive to be. We have had a huge number of favourable responses and comments since benefiting from the installation of the Lotus Meta C4”

Mr Alex Paul
Director, Leon Paul Ltd

Find out what we can do for you
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Custom Projects

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International Distributors


Systems Installed


Years Manufacturing 


UK Made